Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New York Times interactive graphic

NASA image Sept. 2007
A NASA satellite image from September 16, 2007 and released on September 21, 2007, shows Arctic summer sea ice. Arctic sea ice declined this year to the lowest levels registered since satellite assessments started in the 1970s, extending a trend fueled by human-caused global warming, scientists said on Monday.

NASA images comparing arctic ice cover A combination photo of NASA satellite images from September 21, 2005 (top) and September 16, 2007 (bottom) and released on September 21, 2007 shows Arctic summer sea ice coverage in 2005 and 2007 respectively.
Loss of sea ice in graphics created by the NY Times (Oct. 1, 2007).
This web page details in clear graphics just how devastating the loss of arctic ice really is.

sea ice retreat in arctic region
See the New York Times interactive graphic

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