Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Students Help NASA Decommission Satellite

Students Help NASA Decommission Satellite
CU-Boulder student command controllers Melanie Dubin, left, and Andrew Berg, center, work with professional command controller Matt Dahl to upload commands to a at the Mission Operations Center at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. (Credit: Photo by Glenn Asakawa/University of Colorado) The satellite, known as the Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite, or ICESat, orbited Earth for seven years, gathering valuable data on the polar regions and helping scientists develop a better understanding of ice sheets and sea ice dynamics. The CU-Boulder control team at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics -- made up primarily of undergraduates who work side-by-side with LASP professionals -- uploaded commands for the satellite to burn its remaining fuel and switched off the transmitter.

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